A facility services company, providing cleaning and maintenance for commercial buildings, needed a better way to manage its daily operations. With an increasing workload and a growing team, keeping track of tasks and ensuring compliance became more difficult.

The Challenge

Before using AppsCo Workforec, the company relied on emails and spreadsheets to assign tasks. This often led to confusion among employees, causing delays and missed deadlines. Additionally, managing employee records and staying compliant with safety regulations became a major issue. The process was slow and prone to errors, making it hard to keep up with certifications and regulatory requirements.

The Solution

To resolve these issues, the company adopted AppsCo’s platform. With AppsCo Workforec, they could now assign and track tasks in one central system. Managers had a clear view of ongoing tasks, and employees received clear, updated instructions. This reduced confusion and helped ensure that all tasks were completed on time.

For compliance, AppsCo made it easy to store and manage employee records, including certifications and safety documents. Automatic reminders for expiring certifications meant that managers no longer had to track deadlines manually, reducing the risk of non-compliance.

The Results

After implementing AppsCo Workforce, the company noticed significant improvements. Tasks were completed on time, and communication between managers and employees became smoother. Compliance issues were greatly reduced, thanks to the automatic management of employee records and certifications.

By streamlining their operations with AppsCo, the company improved efficiency and was able to focus on providing better service to their clients.

Ready to streamline your operations?

See how AppsCo Workforce can help you manage tasks, stay compliant, and boost efficiency. Get started with AppsCo today!

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